Molino Dental Circle Cavite 11th Induction Ceremony of New Officers and New Members and Christmas Party
Saturday, December 8 2012
Circle Island Resort Molino
Bacoor, Cavite
5:00 until 10:00 PM
Theme: A Night In Hollywood
Attire: Black and White ( Dress your Best )
Cash Prize ( 1st,2nd and 3rd ) awaits for Best in Hollywood Attire..
Please Register now and win lots of Prizes…
Registration Fee: Dentist P500.00
: Non- Dentist P 400.00
For more info please text or call:
Dr. Joygie L. Perez CP# 09228917318 ( MDC Counselor 2013 )
Dr. Con Sudayan CP# 09477829669 ( Secretary )
Dr. Lilybeth B. Bartolome CP # 09228413116 ( Chairperson of the Event )

Molino Dental Circle Cavite 11th Induction Ceremony and Christmas Party